
The authors reported the case of a middle-aged male patient who presented with blurring of vision, passage of loose stools, vomiting, and profuse sweating after ingestion of honey. He also had a history of loss of consciousness. On presentation, he was hypotensive and tachypneic with cold, clammy extremities. His ECG showed sinus bradycardia. The authors made a diagnosis of mad honey intoxication with suspected anaphylaxis. The authors treated him with intravenous normal saline, epinephrine, and atropine. He again developed hypotension and bradycardia in a few hours, for which hydrocortisone was administered, following which his heart rate was normalized in 2h. Overall, the recovery time in our patient was 8h. The patient was counseled to avoid consuming mad honey and did well on his monthly follow-up. Our patient had signs and symptoms suggesting intoxication following ingestion of mad honey with suspicion of anaphylaxis. Similar to other reported cases, the patient had sinus bradycardia and hypotension. Epinephrine and atropine were administered to treat hypotension and bradycardia, respectively. Also, refractory hypotension was managed by intravenous hydrocortisone. Usually, atropine and saline infusion are sufficient to manage these cases, and simultaneous use of epinephrine and atropine should be avoided unless indicated. Our case highlighted the approach to diagnosing and treating mad honey intoxication with suspected anaphylaxis.

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