
Low bladder compliance means an abnormal volume and pressure relationship, and an incremental rise in bladder pressure during the bladder filling. It is well known that at the time bladder capacity decreases, intravesical pressure increases, and the risk of upper deterioration increases. Hypocompliance is usually thought to be the range from 1.0 to 20.0 mL/cmH2 O. Though the exact cause of hypocompliance is not known, it may be caused by changes in the elastic and viscoelastic properties of the bladder, changes in detrusor muscle tone, or combinations of the two. Management aims at increasing bladder capacity with low intravesical pressure. The main is a medical therapy with antimuscarinics combined with clean intermittent catheterization. The results are sometimes unsatisfactory. Various drugs or agents through the mouth or the bladder, including oxybutynin, new antimuscarinics, capsaicin and resiniferatoxin were tried. Among them botulinum toxin-A is promising. Some patients eventually required surgical intervention in spite of the aggressive medical therapy. Finally most patients undergo the surgical treatment including autoaugmentation, diversion, and augmentation cystoplasty. Among them augmentation cystoplasty still seems the only clearly verified treatment method.

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