
The purpose of this study was to evaluate retrospectively the results of PTA for late-onset PV complications after pediatric LDLT and to assess whether a meso-Rex shunt is a viable option for treating restenosis of the PV after PTA in selected cases. Seventy-five children who underwent adult-to-child LDLT were included in this study, and there were six late-onset PV complications (8.0%). The initial therapeutic approach was PTA, with or without stent: PTA with balloon dilation for three children, PTA with stent placement for one child, and failure to cannulate the occluded PV for two children. A meso-Rex shunt was performed in the two children after failed PTA: One suffered complete obstruction of the main PV, and the other, restenosis with total thrombosis after PTA with stent. The PTA was a technical and clinical success in four with PV stenosis of the six patients (66.7%), and successful application of a meso-Rex shunt in the other two children resulted in restoration of PV flow. In conclusion, PTA is a safe and effective procedure for treating late-onset PV stenosis after pediatric LDLT. However, in growing pediatric recipients with restenosis of the PV after PTA or chronic PV thrombosis, a meso-Rex shunt may be a better choice for late-onset PV complications.

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