
The work presented addresses the field of financial education and its necessity, starting from the identification of gaps within the surveyed population among families in the city of Guayaquil. There is a significant demand among young adults and those with lower incomes, indicating the urgency to provide tools and resources to improve personal financial management. Additionally, the widespread preference for interactive learning methods, such as applications and games, underscores the need to integrate technology and innovative approaches into financial education programs to increase participation and engagement. The diversity in educational and socioeconomic levels within the sample emphasizes the importance of designing programs that are accessible and adaptable to different demographic profiles, which implies offering a variety of resources and learning modalities to meet the individual needs of the population. Lastly, the low prior participation in financial education programs highlights the need to increase awareness and promotion of these programs among the population, involving implementing effective dissemination strategies to inform people about the availability and benefits of financial education. Taken together, these findings support the importance of developing financial education programs that are accessible, innovative, and tailored to the needs of the target population, in order to promote greater financial literacy and contribute to overall economic well-being.

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