
Hypothyroidism is emerging as a common health concern in India as well as worldwide. An autoimmune cause accounts for approximately 90% of adult hypothyroidism mostly due to Hashimoto’s disease. This autoimmunity goes parallel with the theory of Ama (intermediatory product) in Ayurveda. A case of a 27-year-old female patient, presenting with pain in multiple joints, deformity in the right little finger, morning stiffness lasting for more than 3 h, reduced appetite, constipation, and lethargy, diagnosed with Amavata (rheumatoid arthritis), was subclinically diagnosed with hypothyroidism and treated with Deepana (stimulates digestion), Pachana (promots digestion) and Koshtha Shuddhi (mild purgation) for 5 days followed by Kshara Basti (therapeutic enema) for 5 days. Reduction in serum- thyroid-stimulating hormone (S. TSH) (31.1 mIU/ml to 16.6 mIU/ml) along with relief in clinical manifestations of the disease was the outcome. Koshtha Shuddhi followed by Kshara Basti has its efficacy in hypothyroidism, as it not only improved signs and symptoms but S.TSH level was reduced significantly. This case report proposes an innovative treatment modality for the management of hypothyroidism, which needs to be validated through a well-planned study on a large sample size.

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