
Numerous therapeutic strategies have been applied to the management of patients with inhibitors to factors VIII or IX. Different treatment approaches are analysed including prothrombin complex concentrates (PCCs), activated prothrombin complex concentrates (aPCCs), porcine factor VIII concentrate, inhibitor neutralization, immune tolerance therapy, immunosuppressive regimens and recombinant factor VIIa. Clinical data are reported in the analysis of several treatments. PCCs and aPCCs have gained widespread acceptance as the standard first-line approach for patients with inhibitors. The aPCC AUTOPLEX T has achieved a high response rate with a low level of thrombotic events. Four case studies are presented in which AUTOPLEX T has been used successfully. Administration of platelet concentrate or, in elective surgery, waiting for inhibitor levels to decline are useful adjuncts to some treatments. The optimal treatment depends on the patient's inhibitor status--low responder (minimal or no increase in inhibitor levels upon administration of replacement clotting factor) or high responder (replacement clotting factor generates inhibitor production). A suggested algorithm for treating high-responder inhibitor patients is presented.

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