
Gastroparesis is defined as the presence of delayed gastric emptying in the absence of mechanical obstruction, with a variety of upper gastrointestinal symptoms. Although measurement of gastric emptying is necessary for the diagnostic labeling, this finding has little impact in terms of explaining the symptom pattern and determining the prognosis and therapeutic approach. Clinical management is based on ruling out of mechanical causes and serum electrolyte imbalances, followed by initial medical treatment with a gastroprokinetic agent in most cases. However, the evidence that these drugs provide substantial symptomatic benefit is weak. Recent attempts to establish efficacy with newer prokinetics, including serotonin-4, motilin, and ghrelin receptor agonists, have seen few successes, but a new group of agents is under evaluation. More recently, also, no benefit was found with treatment with a tricyclic antidepressant in idiopathic gastroparesis. In refractory cases, especially when there is weight loss, invasive therapeutics such as insertion of feeding tubes, intrapyloric injection of botulinum toxin, implantable gastric electrical stimulation, or surgical (partial) gastrectomy are occasionally considered, but there is little evidence of efficacy, and these are not devoid of potentially major complications. Gastroparesis is likely to remain a challenging condition in the clinic in the foreseeable future.

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