
Holding companies operate quite widely in the West in almost all areas of the national economy: industry, construction, transport, trade, banking, etc. Due to their high viability, many modern organizations are gradually transforming into holdings headed by a special apparatus - the Board of Directors, which includes the heads of all subsidiaries and the main services of the parent organization, which also serves the holding as a whole and give the entire structure certain integrity. In practice, holding companies are created to ensure the necessary volumes of production of competitive products, works, or services and to maintain the stability of the functioning of significant groups of technologically related research, design and engineering, and design organizations; consolidation of the results of economic activities of a group of organizations, ensuring the reduction of their total tax payments. This can be achieved through the mechanism of transfer (internal) prices, which, in contrast to market prices, make it possible to cover the losses of some divisions of the holding with the profits of its other subsidiaries. Thus, in the future, we will proceed from the fact that the creation of holdings is the result of the concentration of capital, development, and the need to adapt organizations to changes in the external environment, The fast-moving socio-economic and political processes accompanying the integration of Azerbaijan into the world economic society create an opportunity for the creation of integrated-universal holdings that organically combine both synergy and diversification. In Azerbaijan, today, holding structures function in a large number of important areas of the economy: banking and financial spheres, industry, construction, transport, and other areas. Holding is committed to the development and promotion of corporate culture in Azerbaijan. Good corporate governance principles that protect the interests of shareholders and investors are essential for achieving financial stability and profitability. The holding creates conditions for the division of authority between the management bodies, monitors the financial activity of its companies, emphasizing the proper motivation of personnel and maintaining legality. Holding aims to take an important place in the regional market characterized by transparency, accountability, sound corporate management, communication, cooperation and partnership in order to achieve the company's strategic goals supported by its shareholders. The main corporate management goal of Holding is to ensure maximum transparency and sustainable development through the optimization of the organizational structure, which should respond to customer needs, rapid decision-making process and advanced operational efficiency. Bank, a subsidiary of Holding, is currently the leading investment and corporate financial institution of Azerbaijan. Established in 2007, the Bank provides lending, capital markets services, transaction banking and provides a variety of corporate banking services, including financial advisory services. Bank offers a variety of financial services by partnering with international banks and financial institutions in the field of trade financing. Thanks to extensive negotiations with international financial institutions, Bank, which has the opportunity to use large-scale financial instruments, has managed to provide more commercial financial services to its corporate clients. The bank also received better terms for financing customers after receiving a credit rating from Standard & Poor's Global Rating agency. The Bank has conducted various seminars and trainings to provide professional services by increasing productivity in customer relations at an organized level. The article defines the directions for the creation of an improved system of financial flows management of Azerbaijani holdings, in order to increase the efficiency of financial flows management in the holdings directions of optimization are indicated. Keywords: financial flow, Holding, Bank, Insurance

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