
Given the significant benefit of targeted therapies for HER2+ breast cancer patients in both the neoadjuvant and adjuvant settings, it is critical to identify all eligible patients for these treatments. We sought to investigate cT1cN0 HER2+ patients to determine the rate of postsurgical nodal positivity, and to identify presurgical factors associated with nodal positivity. We hypothesize there is a subset of underdiagnosed HER2+ patients who would benefit from preoperative axillary imaging and inclusion in neoadjuvant chemotherapy regimens. We performed a 10-year retrospective analysis of T1 HER2+ breast cancer patients. Clinicopathologic characteristics were evaluated based on surgical nodal data. We identified 38 patients with cT1cN0 HER2+ cancer. Of this cohort, 24% had positive lymph nodes on final pathology. High tumor grade (p = 0.035) on core needle biopsy and the presence of lymphovascular invasion (p = 0.0036) were associated with an increased likelihood of lymph node positivity. The majority (66%) of lymph node positive patients were clinically T1c. We identified a 24% nodal positivity rate in clinically node negative T1 HER2+ breast cancer patients. In particular, HER2+ patients with high-grade T1c cancers should undergo preoperative diagnostic axillary imaging to expand potential benefit from targeted therapies.

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