
This chapter outlines the management of bacterial and fungal diseases on banana fruit from a practical and real-life banana farmers perspective and can be used as a guide to identifying diseases occurring on banana fruit. Different options for control and prevention are outlined and discussed from a grower’s perspective, experienced in dealing with the day-to-day diseases in bananas. This chapter is focused on diseases affecting fruit quality, market acceptance and overall farm profitability, while other diseases controlled by normal crop husbandry and of low significant impact will be briefly discussed. Banana growers, from large plantation owners and managers to smallholder farmers throughout the world may benefit from the practical information in this chapter. Starting with the selection of soil type, water availability, and usage, affecting disease pressure and ability to increase sustainability and adapt to climate change. Changes in plantation management, which increase productivity and profitability, are introduced in this chapter and discussed enabling growers to reduce their reliance on chemical solutions. Insights into crop hygiene, plant and bunch care are discussed aimed to reduce the impact of diseases on the fruit.

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