
CKD has become a common disease with a high Prevalence rate of nowadays [1] in people including young individuals, with dialysis and renal transplant as its mainstream healing treatment, but due to low financial backgrounds among large percentage of individuals in India, everyone cannot afford to live a good quality of life. Hence, every individual is not a candidate for renal transplant or dialysis. So, to overcome this issue, an alternate has to be taken keeping in mind a healthy life which is the need of hour. CKD, i.e., Chronic Kidney Disease itself indicates chronicity with irreversible damage to the kidneys due to main leading factor in many cases nowadays as a major cause which is Hypertension and Diabetes mellitus type 2, which clinically presents as symptomless sometimes in initial stages and further presents with pedal edema, decreased appetite, nausea, difficulty in micturition/decreased urine output, frothy/foamy urine, fatigue.[2] Usually it is manifested through various lab investigations such as kidney function test in which increase in serum urea levels, serum creatinine and other are seen i.e., a waste product made by our muscles, also Kidney’s one of the vital function is production of erythropoietin[3] gets hampered due to underlying cause results in decline in Hb levels. So, to overcome this Punarnavadi Mandoor along with other were advised to the patient. Here the focus is on improvement in various Hematological levels before and after treatment of CKD, by giving Renogrit tablet, Punarnavadi Mandoor, Corighan Vati etc., having special effect on kidneys/as renoprotective.

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