
Introduction: The most frequent acquired autoimmune sub epidermal blistering condition is bullous pemphigoid (BP). BP mostly affects older persons between the ages of 60 and 80. It is an uncommon autoimmune condition that affects both men and women, with a greater prevalence in women.
 Complaints and investigations are underway: A 50-year-old female patient presented to the dermatology department with the primary complaint of fluid-filled sores all over her body that had been present for 8 months. She also complained of lesions with mild to severe itching, irritation, and sometimes burning feeling over lesions for 8 months, and she was a known case of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) type 2 for which she was taking medicine from 8 to 10 years. Following a general physical examination and research, a case of BP with DM 2 was identified.
 The major diagnosis, treatment intervention, and results are as follows: After a physical examination and investigation, the doctor diagnosed a case of Bullous Phemphoid with a verified case of DM type 2. Inj. Insulin Mixtard 22U/16U, Tab. Defcort 12 Mg 2-1, Tab. Glicazide 80 Mg BD, Tab. Nicoglow 250 Mg OD, Tab. Cyclophosphamide BD (50 Mg -25 Mg), Cap. Doxepin 10 Mg BD, Tab. Dailyshine 60000IU (Once A Week), L/A Omate –F OD, vitamin B, calcium, iron The entire course of treatment was completed, and the outcome was satisfactory.
 Conclusion: She responded to medication as well as physician counselling. Her itch has subsided, and some of the lesions have healed.

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