
Abstract. The aim of the article is to analyze approaches to managing the behavior of enterprises in conditions of socio-psychological stress. The study used methods of induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis, comparison, inference, generalization, abstraction. The results of the study showed that it is necessary to study the behavior of enterprises by stages of emotional response and key success factors. Moreover, reactive, active, responsive and highly effi cient types of enterprises are distinguished. It is noted that not all companies reach the stage of acceptance and humility, because it is here that the company makes informed and highly eff ective decisions that contribute to the development and achievement of strategic goals. Elements that determine the success of enterprises in the market and aff ect irrational behavior in the stages of emotional response denial, anger, bargaining, despair (depression), acceptance (humility) are highlighted. They show the types of behavior on the key factors of enterprise success: image, brand commitment, location, staff qualifi cations, innovation potential, level of general management, fl exibility of production, breadth of range, the development of Internet marketing. The mechanism of adaptation of behavior of the enterprises which contains the purposes, principles, methods, levers, stages of reaction and monitoring of changes is off ered. Keywords: behavioral economics, irrational decisions, COVID-19, management, uncertainty, sociopsychological stress, mechanism of adaptation, stages of emotional response.

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