
Sensory neural hearing loss occurs when there is a problem in the sensory apparatus -cochlea (sensory) or in the pathways of conduction of nerve impulses to the brain. Sensory neural hearing loss can be Peripheral and Central (auditory pathway or cortex).It can be congenital or acquired. Congenital: present at birth, due to anomalies of inner ear or due to pre or perinatal factors. In present study we have discussed a case of a 12-year-old male child who came to OPD with complains of Sensory neural hearing Loss since childhood. Audiometry report showed Right ear moderate to profound mixed hearing loss Left ear -moderate to severe sensory neural hearing loss. First Ayurvedatreatment of Sensory neural hearing loss with three sittings of MarshaNasyafrom Anu Taila, 3 sittings of Karnapuranafrom Bilwadi Taila And Sarivadi Vatiwith the dose of 250mg thrice a day with luke warm water or milk for 1 month were given in a month and same procedure followed for 6 months. After that his hearing improved showing audiometric findings of Moderate hearing in both ear. After six months repeat Audiometry was done. Patient also felt better hearing in both ears. Decreased hearing due to Sensory neural hearing loss is result of Damage of hair cells, which can be managed with the help of Ayurvedatreatment Marsha Nasya, Karnapurana with Rasayanatreatment. Hearing loss to school going children is a very serious problem affecting their education, skills and socialrelationship with others.

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