
Avabahuka (frozen shoulder) is a type of Vata Vyadhi caused by vitiated Vata Dosha with Anubhandha of Kapha Dosha. The symptoms of Avabahuka can be corelated with the symptoms of adhesive capsulitis, which is commonly known as frozen shoulder. Being a disease of shoulder joint, which has the greatest range of motion, it seriously affects the routine day to day activities. A 47-year-old female presented to the OPD of Regional Ayurveda Research Institute for Mother and Child Health (RARIMCH), Nagpur, Maharashtra, with pain and restricted movement in the right shoulder since 6 months, having undergone conventional treatment without any significant improvement. As Amsa-Sandhi (shoulder joint) is a seat of Kapha Dosha and considering Vata-Kapha Dushti in Avabahuka, the Vata-Kapha pacifying management was planned for the present case. Comprehensive Ayurvedic modalities, consisting of Balataila Snehana, Sarvanga Bashpa Swedana, Patrapinda Sweda, and Anutaila Nasya along with Mahayograja Guggulu and Maharasnadi Kwatha, were administered for 2 months. The range of movements improved gradually from 50° to 100° for abduction, 70° to 110° for flexion, and 15° to 50° for extension. VAS score for pain in the right shoulder was 7 before treatment, which came down to 4 after first course of treatment regimen and gradually to 3 after completion of the treatment.

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