
Introduction: Asrigdara is of more concern, because excessive or prolonged bleeding may cause undue disruption of woman’s daily activities & affects woman's health both physically and psychologically. As per Ayurveda classics, Asrigdara is defined as excessive menstrual bleeding for prolonged duration and / or scanty intermenstrual bleeding for a shorter duration, denoting the features of specific Dosha. Asrigdara can be correlated with abnormal uterine bleeding especially dysfunctional uterine bleeding on the basis of its description in literature. Thus, according to its pathogenesis Pittashamaka, Vatanulomana, Rakta-sthapaka, Rakta-samgrahi, Agni-deepana and Garbhashaya-balya Chikitsa is beneficial in Asrigdara. Though the main concern is to reduce bleeding, hence Rakta Sthapana chikitsa becomes important. Acharaya Charaka said it to be treated on the principles of management of Raktatisara, Raktapitta and Rakta arsha. Aim & Objectives: To compare the efficacy of Drakshadi Yoga and Kutajashtaka Ghana in management of Asrigdara. Materials & Methods: Study was conducted on clinically diagnosed 30 patients of Asrigdara in P.G. department of Prasuti Tantra and Stri Roga, N.I.A., Jaipur. Drakshadi yoga was taken in this study from Sushruta Samhita Uttar Tantra 45/34 in reference to Raktapitta chikitsa. Kutajashtaka ghana (Chakradutta 3/86-89) was taken from Chakradutta from Atisaar Chikitsa, having indication in asrigdara. Result: Comparing the symptomatic improvement in both groups it was found that average percentage of relief was a little bit higher in ‘Group B’ Kutajashtaka Ghana i.e. 74.79 %, followed by ‘Group A’ Drakshadi Yoga i.e. 74.21 %. Keywords: Kutajashtaka Ghana, Drakshadi Yoga, Raktapitta chikitsa, Atisaar Chikitsa

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