
<p>Despite the advances in trauma care, improved surgical techniques, latest implants and therefore the evolution of new adjuvants to healing, biologic agents, non-union still persists thanks to high energy trauma as initial event. Non-union of femur shaft represents a significant socioeconomic problem to the patient, related to prolonged patient morbidity, inability to return to figure, gait abnormality, re-operations and psycho-emotional impairment. Here we discuss the case of such non-union of fracture shaft femur presented to us with shortening of 3.5 cm managed with bone graft and intramedullary nailing. 22-year-old male patient had a history of trauma due to fall from bike due to dash from behind by tractor (high velocity road traffic accident) sustaining injury over right thigh leading to closed fracture mid-shaft femur of the same side treated immediately by femur nailing. After 6 months post-surgery, he noticed swelling over operated thigh which was increasing and causing difficulty in walking. X-rays revealed broken nail, re-operated at the same centre with dynamic compression plating (DCP) probably after freshening the fracture edges using 12-hole DCP, implant failure with whole plate and screw construct extrusion and re-fracture at the same site. This time patient presented to our institute. We planned of implant removal and intramedullary nailing with bone grafting. Management of aseptic femoral non-union with fracture gap of 2.5-4 cm range with intramedullary nailing combined with autologous fibular cortical and cancellous grafts showed good functional results at the end of 1 year post operative interval after prior repetitive failure of implants due to non-union. </p>

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