
Autoimmune encephalitis associated with antibodies against neuronal surface targets (NSAE) are rare but still underrecognized conditions that affect adult and pediatric patients. Clinical guidelines have recently been published with the aim of providing diagnostic clues regardless of antibody status. These syndromes are potentially treatable but the choice of treatment and its timing, as well as differential diagnoses, long-term management, and clinical and paraclinical follow-up, remain major challenges. In the absence of evidence-based guidelines, management of these conditions is commonly based on single-center expertise.Taking into account different published expert recommendations in addition to the multicenter experience of the Italian Working Group on Autoimmune Encephalitis, both widely accepted and critical aspects of diagnosis, management and particularly of immunotherapy for NSAE have been reviewed and are discussed.Finally, we provide consensus-based practical advice for managing hospitalization and follow-up of patients with NSAE.

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