
Abstract The study was conducted in Bedford County, PA. The fairway consisted primarily of annual bluegrass (70%) and Kentucky bluegrass (30%). Applications were made when flowering dogwood was in full bloom. Treatment plots were 6 X 6 ft, arranged in a RCB design and replicated 4 times. Liquid formulations were applied with a CO2 compressed-air sprayer with four 8002VS TeeJet nozzles mounted on a 6-ft boom, operating at 28 psi, and applied in 272 ml of water/36 ft2 or delivering 2 gal water/1,000 ft2. Granular formulations were applied with a hand-held shaker with top-dressing sand used to provide even distribution of product. At treatment time (2 May), the following soil and environmental conditions existed: air temperature, 61° F; soil temperature at 1-inch depth, 54° F; soil temperature at 2-inch depth, 64° F; RH, 45%; amount of thatch, 0.25-0.375 inch; soil textural class, silt loam; soil particle size analysis: 15.6% sand, 59.7% silt, 24.7% clay; soil percent water content (percent by weight), 34.0%; organic matter, 10.2%; water pH, 7; soil pH, 6.1; application time, late morning; and clear skies. The experimental area was irrigated with 0.1 inch of water immediately after treatment. A total of 9.73 inches of rain was recorded from 2 May through 24 Jun. Posttreatment counts were made on 24 Jun. Annual blue-grass weevil control was evaluated by removing two 4-inch cup cutter sod samples from each replicate and recording the total number of annual bluegrass weevil life stages (larva, pupa, adult) per sample. Totals were then converted to a ft2 count.

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