
Liver abscesses are purulent collections in the liver parenchyma that result from bacterial, fungal, or parasitic infection. Antibiotics, percutaneous drainage and surgery are the only therapeutic solution for this condition. A 38- year young gentleman diagnosed with multiple Amoebic liver abscesses visited at Government Ayurvedic college and Hospital. He came with complaints of Jaundice, fever, pain in the abdomen and USG of abdomen showed multiple Liver Abscesses. In this case of liver abscess, after getting informed consent the patient was given an Ayurvedic treatment for 30 days without any Allopathic medicine or any invasive technique. Patient was given Panchtiktghrita guggul, Arogyavardhini vati, Agnitundi vati, Vidang churna etc. There was a significant reduction noted in the symptoms of Abscess. At the end of treatment, USG examination revealed there was no focal defect or lesion in the liver and haematological parameters were found within the reference range. There were no clinically significant adverse reactions noted in the duration of treatment. The results of this study indicate the clinical efficacy of Ayurvedic treatment in the management of liver abscess and patient gave highly satisfactory response after his treatment. The treatment outcomes in the present case indicate that classical Ayurvedic measures may be helpful to the patients of a liver abscess.

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