
Ayurveda is one among the oldest health science. Nowadays due to faulty life style, dietpattern mental stress and strain healthy status of human being is in declining. Due tochanging life style, there is tremendous increase in disorder related to mahasrotas(gastrointestinal tract). Amlapitta is a major disease of mahasrotas. Amlapitta is pittapredominance disease which is realated to Annavaha srotas &Purishvaha Srotas occurs dueto mandagni and ama. When Amla guna of pitta is increased is called Amlapitta. Variousacharyas has explained amlapitta as separate disorders but Samprapti of Amlapitta is clearlymentioned in Grahani chikitsadhyay while describing samprapti of Grahani Dosha. The basicprincipleoftreatment are mainly nidanaparivarjana, shodhana, and shamanachikitsa. Vamana and Virechana are mentioned for urdhva gati and adho gati of doshas. In modern science it can b ecorrelated with Gastritis.

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