
Physical appearance is something that is related to psychological stress. Skin is major organ which remains as a presentable material in front of the world which also defines any individuality. Around 20 – 30 % Population suffer from skin ailments. According to study the incidence rate of herpes zoster was highest i.e. 56% at 20 to 40 years of age and from lower socioeconomic strata. These problems vary from age, locality and season. Visarpa is one of the major skin disease which is explained in detail apart from Kusthavyadhi by every Acharya This imparts the severity and significance of disease. Visarpa is characterized by Aashu – anunnatashopha, Daha, Jwara, Vedana and nature of pidika is described as Agnidagdagdavat. Skin disorder vary greatly in symptoms and severity. so they can be temporary or permanent. they can be situational or genetic, minor or mortal. thus, visarpa is one which if mismanaged can lead to life threatening situation. Twak Roga are Chirkari and so recurrent relapse occurs easily. visarpa is bahudoshaj vyadhi.

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