
Dr. S. Adler*: This 83-year-old woman was brought to the emergency ward of the Massachusetts General Hospital 20 minutes after having been in an automobile accident. She had been a passenger in the back seat. She was complaining of severe pain in the left hip region and the left thigh, moderate pain in the medial portion of the right knee, and tenderness in the right flank. The patient had not lost consciousness. She gave no history of past illnesses important to treatment of her present injury. General examination of the patient showed that her heart was enlarged to the left anterior axillary line. Her blood pressure was 220/110 mm. Hg. There was tenderness but no rebound tenderness in the right flank; otherwise, examination of the abdomen was negative. There was tenderness in the region of the left hip and the left thigh. Motion of the left lower extremity caused pain

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