
Pine rockland habitat of South Florida is among the most highly threatened terrestrial ecosystems in the neo-subtropics and is among the rarest worldwide. With only 1.2% of its original extent remaining outside Everglades National Park, fewer than 780 hectares of this ecosystem remains across all of South Florida. This fire-dependent ecosystem—habitat for many rare, endemic species—has experienced substantial deforestation and defaunation due to urbanization, land use change, habitat fragmentation, fire suppression, and exotic plant invasions. Owing to the small size of remaining fragments, and the fact that most are surrounded by urbanization, adequate burning regimes are suppressed. The Richmond Tract, a complex of twelve separate parcels under multiple private and public ownership partially surrounding Zoo Miami, is the largest tract of pine rockland outside the federal protection of Everglades National Park. In this article, we take inventory of the threatened biodiversity at the Richmond Tract and focus on the policy and management landscape. We take a close look at threats to the pine rockland’s persistence here and review approaches that either help maintain the health of this ecosystem or those that may need to be reconsidered. We end by discussing coordination among multiple stakeholder groups, the potential use for incentive-based conservation practices, and suggesting ways to improve management in highly urbanized South Florida.

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