
The brown marmorated stink bug (Halyomorpha halys (Stål, 1855); [Hemiptera, Pentatomidae]) is an invasive, alien and polyphagous insect species native to East Asia. It was introduced to the United States in the mid-1990s and to Europe in 2004. Today it is present in most European countries. In new environments, it adapts quickly and reproduces successfully, developing at least one complete generation per year. With the growth of populations, it is becoming a disturbing factor in the urban areas and recently one of the most dangerous pests in agricultural production. It was first discovered in Slovenia in 2017 in Šempeter near Gorica. In less than two years, it spread to the entire territory od Slovenia and began to cause damage to agricultural production. In a review paper, we have collected research by foreign and domestic researchers related to the study of different ways of controlling the brown marmorated stink bug. The article presents chemical methods of control, the use of insecticide nets, the use of attractants and repellents, trap crops, as well as methods of biotic protection using predators and parasitoids.


  • The brown marmorated stink bug (Halyomorpha halys (Stål, 1855); [Hemiptera, Pentatomidae]) is an invasive, alien and polyphagous insect species native to East Asia

  • V deželi Emiglia Romagna, v provinci Modena je bilo v letu 2015 zaradi močnega napada marmorirane smrdljivke poškodovanih od

  • Za spremljanje populacijske dinamike različnih vrst domorodnih stenic se v praksi navadno uporabljajo različne detekcijske metode, kot so uporaba metuljnice, otresanje rastlin, feromonske vabe in UV oz. črne svetilke (Krupke in sod., 2001; Leskey in Hogmire, 2005; Kamminga in sod., 2009; Borges in sod., 2011)

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Za spremljanje populacijske dinamike različnih vrst domorodnih stenic se v praksi navadno uporabljajo različne detekcijske metode, kot so uporaba metuljnice, otresanje rastlin, feromonske vabe in UV oz. črne svetilke (svetilke, ki oddajajo vijolično in modro kratkovalovno sevanje) (Krupke in sod., 2001; Leskey in Hogmire, 2005; Kamminga in sod., 2009; Borges in sod., 2011). Za spremljanje populacijske dinamike marmorirane smrdljivke so se v praksi sprva uporabljale piramidalne pasti z uporabo agregacijskega feromona (metil [2E, 4E, 6Z]-dekatrienoat) stenice Plautia stali Scott (Nielsen in sod., 2011; Laskey in sod., 2012b; Joseph in sod., 2013). Da feromon (metil [2E, 4E, 6Z]-dekatrienoat) ne vpliva na gibanje marmorirane smrdljivke spomladi in zgodaj poleti in je zato uporaben le pri pozno poletnem in jesenskem lovljenju stenic (Leskey in sod., 2012b). Njihovo raziskavo so potrdili tudi rezultati nekaterih sorodnih raziskav (Weber in sod., 2014; Leskey in sod., 2015; Morrison in sod., 2017; Rice in sod., 2018), v katerih so se predvsem ukvarjali z ugotavljanjem razmerij različnih vrst agregacijskih feromonov in njihovim učinkom na lovljenje populacij marmorirane smrdljivke. Iz ZDA poročajo tudi o spremljanju populacijske dinamike z uporabo svetlobnih vab (bela, črna in modra dolgovalovna svetloba), vendar so potrdili uspešnost uporabe zgolj pri lovljenju odraslih osebkov (Nielsen in sod., 2013)


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