
Inclusive education, including higher education, is considered as the highest form of development of educational system in the direction of realization of the human right to receive high quality education at the place of residence in accordance with students cognitive abilities and their health condition. Inclusive higher education is an innovation for Russian education system, therefore, it demands competent management at all stages of its formation and realization. The article deals with systematic approach to management in the sphere of inclusive higher education, illustrates the conceptual scheme of a management system in the sphere of inclusive higher education which purpose is to provide available and quality higher education for students with special needs according to their educational requirements and opportunities of employment. Within the offered concept its basic elements are defined: goals and principles, an object and subjects, functions, methods and technologies of management in the sphere of inclusive higher education; information technology, material, financial, psychological and pedagogical support of inclusive higher education management system. The article defines priorities in management of inclusive higher education, including, acceptance by all participants of educational system of inсlusion philosophy, prevention and overcoming of disability and artificial isolation of students with special needs, creation and providing them with equal rights and opportunities for higher education.

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