
The Deramakot Forest Reserve and the Tangklap Forest Reserve, where the ecological studies described in this book were conducted, are located in the interior of the state of Sabah, Malaysia (north Borneo) (Fig. 1.1). In Sabah, forested lands, including both natural and planted forests, are found mainly within areas designated by law as Forest Reserve, State Park, or Wildlife Sanctuary. Together these three classes of forest lands account for 53 % (3.87 million ha) of Sabah’s landmass, and are collectively referred to as the Permanent Forest Estate (PFE). Little native forest is currently left outside the boundaries of the PFE. Forest Reserve is managed under the Sabah Forestry Department and is designated by law primarily to produce timber from natural forests. Despite declining timber output, forestry remains a dominant land use in Sabah.KeywordsForest ManagementForest ReserveTimber ProductionSustainable Forest ManagementForest Stewardship CouncilThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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