
The concept of a scientific research project offer must be based on the analysis of the four types of resources: the human resources, the financial resources, the material resources and the informational resources. We note the importance of the human resource quality. In the following figure we present the main elements of the design algorithm of a research project. The feasibility study (otherwise very complex) is of great importance for the success and viability of the project. We have developed the algorithm for designing a scientific research project. Thus, we have devised several items, in a non-fortuitous order: formulation of the theme, resources analysis, feasibility study, offer formulation, project drawing, project implementation, project evaluation, dissemination. We have critically analyzed several definitions of a scientific research project. For example, “a set of investments and other planned activities to achieve specific objectives within a predetermined time frame and budget”, or, “a planned action that is a set of interrelated and coordinated activities to achieve specific objectives within a given budget and a period of determined time”. We also analyze the key functions of a scientific research project: specifying the issue to be addressed, specifying the objectives to be achieved, specifying the activities to be undertaken to achieve the objectives, specifying the revenue (or resources) needed for the deployment activities, identifying and specifying the responsibilities of the different organizations involved in implementation of the project, allowing technical and administrative reviews of the project, the basis for monitoring and evaluating the project that can be done either during the project’s implementation, or after the project has been completed. We have formulated in the article specific concepts on: “a development program is sustainable when it is able to provide an appropriate level of benefits over a longer period of time after the financial, managerial and technical assistance from the external donor ended”, or, “for most projects sustainability is a default, and donors and recipients wait and take responsibility that certain aspects of the activity will continue. Failure to make explicit sustainability as part of the project’s training and implementation process may lead to lack of benefit”.

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