
IntroductionRelevance of the research. It is significant that the management culture in the organization not only guarantees the functionality of the processes, but also enables cultural innovation. Overall management culture improves the organization, simplifies and reduces the cost of management processes, determines the accuracy and consistency of work, increases labour discipline. Management culture is a key factor in the overall culture of the organization, acting directly on the organization's performance (Voronkova, 2006). In addition, management culture, as the way of realization of the main vital forces of the human, in the management activities determines the striving for managerial staff aims, encourages creativity, the expansion and deepening of existing knowledge, acquisition of new knowledge during communication, search for new ways and methods in management activities. Management culture stimulates activity, initiative and managerial staff responsibility for their actions and their consequences. This enables the achievement of the foreseen aims in a shorter period of time by planned or better economic effectiveness (Skibickaja, 2009). In addition, as stated by Melnikas (2008), in order to get to know better the processes of ongoing management and change of management culture in the modern world, it is appropriate to evaluate the circumstances affecting modern management, which reflect the effects of historical lifestyles and stereotypes occurring in management activities.Social responsibility is inevitably mentioned when analysing organizational culture profile and behaviour with subjects of external environment. As Vveinhardt and Andriukaitiene (2014a) state, a lack of integrity in the development of social responsibility of organizations, public authorities and the public pose such threats as: focusing of organizations only on marketing dimension of the corporate social responsibility and the rising disappointment with the idea of the corporate social responsibility with no immediate financial effect received; declarativity, when the values of the corporate social responsibility do not become part of organizational culture; ineffective use of both private and public resources (financial and human) to promote and implement corporate social responsibility ideas; excluding or removing employees (their representatives) as stakeholders from the process; disappointment of the public in the corporate social responsibility and insufficient rise of moral standards for the private and public sector organizations. The development of corporate social responsibility in the private equity sector is directly related to the development of corporate social responsibility values and standards in the public sector. It is, therefore, a particularly important period for the organizations preparing to become socially responsible and purposeful self-evaluation of their managerial activities.Research problem is presented through the questions: What is management culture, as part of formal organizational culture, expression order to implement corporate social responsibility? How, aiming to implement corporate social responsibility, is management culture to be assessed from the managers' point of view?Problem investigation level. Management culture is not very abundant of scientific works, or simply it is generally referred to as organizational culture. All the more the authors of different countries, publishing their research in the native language, use the term of management culture rather differently. Even the definitions in scientific publications are rather controversial. Lithuanian scholar Zakarevicius (2004) in his analysis of organizational culture and organizational culture concepts states that if the concept 'organizational culture' is replaced by the term 'management culture', the duplication and confusion of the terms cease to exist (p. 203). However, the author, having made such a proposal, raises the question, how to describe management culture? …

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