
In this study, we assessed the management control system used for effective job performance among librarians in five federal university libraries and five State university libraries in South East, Nigeria. Our 38-item questionnaire was validated by three experts: one from the Department of Science Education (Education Measurement and Evaluation unit) and two from the Department of Library and Information Science at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. Later we used descriptive statistics and found out that the university libraries adopted performance appraisal system, duties rotation system, controlled activities system and regulation of staff attendance to a great extent, and also that the management control system has contributed to the effective job performance since it enables employees to understand their job expectations and to encourage librarians’ positive work attitude. Based on these findings, we recommended that performance appraisal and staff evaluation should be performed from time to time to identify areas which require improvements. Henceforth, federal and state governments in Nigeria should make funds available for university libraries to enable them adopt effective management control system and procure facilities and resources to enhance job performance in their libraries among others

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