
The authors analyse 22 cases of suprasellar meningiomas, drawing attention to factors influencing on the surgical outcome. In all but one case, symptomatology began with progressive visual failure in one eye. Bilateral anosmia was noted in 4 patients with large tumour. Mental disorders were conspicuous in 5 cases and 3 patients suffered from epilepsy. Headache was severe in 5 cases. Endrocrinological disorders were observed in 3 patients. The sella turcica was of normal shape in all cases. Marked hyperostosis of the planum or tuberculum existed in 7 cases. The tumour was heavy-calcified in 2 cases. CT scanning showed everytime a marked enhancement of the tumour and in 4 cases, a large hypodense area surrounded the tumour. The patients were operated on through a bifrontal approach or a unilateral frontal flap. A partial anterior frontal lobectomy was regularly performed on one side. While the tumour is piecemeal exacavated, the dural attachment at the base is reached as quickly as possible. Complications consisted in rhinorrhea of CSF in 2 cases, once in a transitory diabetes insipidus and in a secondary hydrocephalus. Post-operative mortality remains high. Among the eleven cases of large tumours, a direct postoperative death occurred, due to a severe arterial bleeding. Two other patients died 4 and 6 weeks respectively after operation. An other patient died 8 years after operation, from meningitis. Among the 5 cases of medium-sized tumours, one post-operative death occurred in a young female, 30 of age, following urinary infection by Klebsiella, complicated by toxicemia.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

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