
The Pulikulam cattle are maintained as migratory herds in Madurai, Sivagangai and Virudhunagar districts of Tamil Nadu. This cattle population is famous for a local game Jellicut. The population has not been included in the list of recognized cattle breeds of India, though documented by the state government in its gazettes for the last 100 years. The population of Pulikulam cattle in the breeding tract was expected to be more than 50,000. The Pulikulam cattle are strong and active with compact body and short legs. The cows are generally grey/white in coat colour; the bulls are dark grey. Biometry included 9 different body measurements in different age and sex groups. The average age at first calving was 4 to 4.5 years with a calving interval of 1.5 to 2 years. On an average the bulls start mating at the age of 3.0 to 3.5 years and used for breeding up to 10 years of the age. The life span of the animals was around 20 years with life time number of calving of 8–10. Milking was done only in 10–15% lactating cows in a herd to meet out the requirement of herdsmen and their families. It was observed that the average daily milk yield of Pulikulam cow was ranging from 0.5 to 3.0 kg. Animals of this breed are playing a significant role in the rural livelihood of communities rearing them for draught and organic agricultural production especially of spices. This cattle population should be registered and included in the recognized list of cattle breeds.

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