
Abdominal trauma is an important cause of internal bleeding and sepsis in Trauma patients. The mechanism involved are Blunt, Penetrating or Blast trauma. Abdomen is the third most commonly injured region The greatest difficulty in blunt trauma is the diagnosis because of masking of symptoms by other injuries like head injury, chest injury and fractures. Purposes of this study, conservative management includes the management of patients with partial bowel obstruction or recurrent adhesive obstruction; it also includes the management of patients during the early postoperative period with naso-gastric tube NGT suction, intravenous (IV) fluids and frequent clinical reassessment. Of the total 89 patients who were considered for non operative management, one patient of Pancreatic injury with duct disruption underwent Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreaticography (ERCP) and pancreatic duct stenting was done. The patient had an uneventful recovery.

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