
The present study analyzed the impact of margin status on local control and survival, and the management of close/positive margins after transoral CO2 laser microsurgery for early glottic carcinoma. 351 patients (328 males, 23 females, mean age 65.6 years) underwent surgery. We identified the following margin statuses: negative, close superficial (CS), close deep (CD), positive single superficial (SS), positive multiple superficial (MS), and positive deep (DEEP). A total of 286 patients (81.5%) had negative margins, 23 (6.5%) had close margins (8 CS, 15 CD) and 42 (12%) had positive margins (16 SS, 9 MS, 17 DEEP). Among the 65 patients with close/positive margins, 44 patients underwent enlargement, 6 radiotherapy and 15 follow-up. Twenty-two patients (6.3%) recurred. Patients with DEEP or CD margins showed a higher risk of recurrence (hazard ratios of 2.863 and 2.537, respectively), compared to patients with negative margins. Local control with laser alone, overall laryngeal preservation and disease-specific survival decreased significantly in patients with DEEP margins (57.5%, 86.9% and 92.9%, p < 0.05). Patients with CS or SS margins could be safely submitted to follow-up. In the case of CD and MS margins, any additional treatment should be discussed with the patient. In the case of DEEP margin, additional treatment is always recommended.

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