
This paper presents an overview of the Man/System Integrations Standards (MSIS) program. The standards to be developed by this program provide specific information for use in the design of space systems to ensure proper integration of the man/system interface requirements with those of other aerospace disciplines. These man/system interface requirements apply to the launch, re-entry, on-orbit, and extraterrestrial space environments. Concise design considerations, design requirements, and design examples are provided. The standards are being developed with broad government and industry collaboration via a Government/Industry Advisory Group (GIAG) that meets 4 times with the contractor team to critique the standards as they are being developed. The documentation (to be released in January 1987) will consist of four hardcopy volumes, a videotape, and a relational database. The videotape uses in-space film footage from Gemini, Skylab, and the shuttle to illustrate specific man/system integration problems (scenes are cross-referenced to the MSIS topics). The relational database provides a means for storing and manipulating the MSIS data.

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