
Mammary analogue secretory carcinoma (MASC) of salivary glands shows morphological similarities to milk-secreting mammary epithelial cells. The aim of this study was to analyse the immunohistochemical expression of adipophilin (a component of milk lipid globule membranes) and of proteins related to secretory mechanisms (STAT5a and mammaglobin) in MASC and other salivary tumours. Ten cases of MASC (all with ETV6 translocation) and 83 other salivary carcinomas were studied. In all MASC cases, adipophilin stained numerous large lipid droplets. These droplets were minute in other salivary carcinomas, except for sebaceous carcinoma. Overexpression of STAT5a was detected in all MASC cases, but only occasionally in other carcinomas. Mammaglobin expression occurred frequently in MASC (70% of cases), whereas, in other carcinomas, it was uncommon and limited. Only MASC showed cytoplasmic reactivity for p63, particularly in papillary-cystic areas. Positivity for S100, vimentin and high molecular weight keratin was observed in 100% of MASC cases. MASC is a lipid-rich tumour containing large lipid droplets covered by adipophilin. This finding can be included among its defining immunohistochemical features, and possibly represents lactation-like secretory differentiation. Strong expression of STAT5a and cytoplasmic p63 in MASC reinforces this hypothesis.

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