
Trophic association between adult ticks of the world fauna with their mammal hosts (511 tick species out of 650 species of Ixodidae of the world fauna) are reviewed. Specific tick species parasitize on representatives of 22 (out of 27) mammal orders, but species of Paucituberculata, Notoryctemorphia, Peramelemorphia, Scandentia, and Dermoptera have no specific parasites. The highest number of tick species was recorded from Artiodactyla and rodents. Mammals, on which representatives of all the 14 genera of the family parasitize, provide the diversity of the ixodid tick fauna. The conclusion on the priority of ecological factors in comparison with phylogenetic status of hosts in the formation of specific characteristics of ticks confirms Balashov’s (1982) concept on the character of host-parasite association between ticks and mammals.

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