
An imbalance in the dietary intake by persons or children is considered as malnutrition. Malnutrition is prevalent in Indian society, especially among the section of children with the age group of less than five years where 14 lakh children have been identified as the victim of malnutrition. This research paper study aims to figure out the trends and determinations that are responsible for malnutrition among the children of India under the age of five years group. The percentage of malnutrition in in rural areas is 152.3 per cent and tis percentage is 53.21 per cent in urban areas. This research paper analysis has been carried out with the help of secondary qualitative data and it has been analysed with the help of thematic analysis. The results of this research article have revealed that in the current scenario, the problem of malnutrition is pervasive although the poverty rate in the country has been reduced. Around 13.5 crores population in India is under poverty rate. The reasons behind the higher level of malnutrition in the country are due to improper cultural practices, gender discrimination, and high poverty. The Indian Government has launched some measures for the wellness and development of the malnourished population of India which include “ICDS, NHM, MMS, and NNP”.

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