
Thyroid tumors are divided into benign and malignant. Special attention should be paid to malignant tumors. A feature of thyroid cancer is its slow progression, compared to other tumor localities, and in the vast majority of cases successful treatment, especially in the early stages of the disease. Thyroid cancer - can be attributed to rare malignancies. Its specific weight in the General structure of oncopathology is about 2.0%, in the structure of mortality from malignant neoplasms-less than 0.5%. Thyroid cancer is registered in women 3-4 times more often than in the male population. Increased attention to the study of the characteristics of the prevalence of thyroid cancer is primarily associated with the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. We can trace the dynamics of morbidity in the population of Leningrad - Saint Petersburg from 1980 to 2018. for the periods before and after the accident. The purpose of our study is to study the dynamics of morbidity in the population of the world, Russia and St. Petersburg with a sharply increased incidence of thyroid cancer. In addition to morbidity and mortality, it is planned to consider such analytical indicators that are practically not used in Russia as the reliability of accounting, partial lethality and five-year survival of patients with thyroid cancer calculated according to the international standard. Every year, more than 13 thousand (13,250 - 2018) new cases of thyroid cancer are registered in Russia. In recent years, in St. Petersburg, more than 150 new cases of malignant neoplasms of this localization of tumors are registered annually among men, and among the female population more than 800. We created the first Russian Population cancer registry in St. Petersburg, which has accumulated a huge amount of information about malignancies, including thyroid cancer. This is one of those localities of malignancies where the specific weight of detected early stages of the disease correlates with the survival rate of patients in stage I and II of the disease, where its value is 98.0%, and the mortality rate of patients for all patients in the first year of observation slightly exceeded 11.0% for men and 4.0% for women.

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