
Granulosa cell tumors (GCTS) are the most common ovarian tumor of cattle. Although there is some disagreement on the clinical behavior of these neoplasms, they are typically composed of well-differentiated cells, and malignancy in unselected bovine populations is uncommon. This report describes poorly differentiated, malignant ovarian tumors with extensive peritoneal spread in 2 heifers. Two heifers from different farms were presented with marked abdominal distention. Heifer 1 was a weak, recumbent, emaciated, 180-kg, 9-month-old Holstein with poor growth and body condition. Heifer 2 was a lethargic, 454kg, 2-year-old Charolais heifer in fair condition. Clinical examination of both animals revealed a large abdominal mass, suspected to be an abscess, palpable per rectum. No abnormalities in sexual behavior had been noted. A poor prognosis was given, and the heifers were euthanized and necropsied. In both animals, 1 ovary was replaced by a large, dark red, solid to multiloculated cystic mass containing serosanguineous fluid and red-black, coagulated necrotic material. In heifer 1, a 30-cm-diameter mass was present at the tip of the right uterine horn (Fig. 1). The contralateral ovary was small (3.0 x 1.0 x 0.5 cm) and inactive. In heifer 2, a 26 x 12 x 12-cm mass was present at the tip of the left horn. Her right ovary contained a corpus luteum, and the right uterine horn contained a 15-cm fetus. Multiple (20 to 30) similar but smaller coalescing masses (5-15-cm diameter) were attached to the mesentery and abdominal serosa of both animals. One bronchial lymph node of heifer 2 was approximately 20 times normal size and contained a cystic mass similar to the abdominal masses. No other lesions were noted in either heifer. Selected tissues were fixed in 10% buffered formalin and prepared routinely for histology. The avidin-biotin complex immunoperoxidase method was used to stain deparaffinized tumor sections from heifers 1 and 2 with antibodies to cytokeratin (dilution 1:250) and vimentin (dilution 1:160) following standard techniques and appropriate controls, using an automated immunostainer. Additional tumor sections from heifer 2 were stained with antibodies from a routine diagnostic panel including ovarian carcinoma-associated antigen (CA 125, dilution 1:10), leukocyte common antigen (LCA, dilution 1:200), -smooth muscle actin (1A4, dilution 1:320), desmin (dilution 1:300), HMB45 (melanoma, dilution, 1:400), and S-100 (dilution 1:7,200). Positive controls were employed as follows: colonic adenocarcinoma for

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