
A 42-year-old female presented with asymptomatic fibrous submucosal mass that arose approximately 4 years earlier, in the left lower labial mucosa, measuring 40 mm. Aspiration showed a mucosanguinolent content. Histopathologic analysis of the incisional biopsy revealed glandular epithelial neoplasia characterized by proliferation of nests of cells in a fibrous connective tissue with areas of hyalinization. Signet ring cells, PAS-positive mucosal cells, and areas of mucus deposition were observed. Neoplastic cells presented severe cellular atypia. Immunohistochemistry was positive for p63, CK14, and CK7 and negative for SMA and S100. Ki-67 rate was 15.75%, confirming the diagnosis of malignant mucinous myoepithelioma. A head and neck surgeon performed the surgical resection of the tumor. No recurrence was observed after 5 months. Malignant mucinous myoepithelioma is a rare lesion that exhibits microscopic similarities with different entities, including other mucous-producing carcinomas, which makes its diagnosis a challenge. Support: CAPES, FAPEMIG.

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