
Abstract This case is reported to increase the awareness among clinicians about the malignant lesions of the clavicle. Plasmacytoma is a rare tumor occurring in the clavicle. Here, we report a 55-year-old female who presented with swelling in her left clavicle for 2 months associated with no pain. On examination, diffuse swelling was noted over the medial end of clavicle, nontender, hard in consistency, and ill-defined margin. Radiograph of the left clavicle showed an expansile lytic lesion. Ultrasonography neck revealed an expansile lesion in the medial end of the left clavicle with matted lymph nodes. Fine-needle aspiration cytology from clavicular lump showed plasma cell in hemorrhagic background. Excision biopsy of the lesion showed sheaths of plasma cells with eccentric placed nuclei confirming the diagnosis of plasmacytoma of clavicle. Plasmacytoma of the clavicle is a rare entity; there is a need for physicians to recognize the epidemiology and radiological findings and offer the suitable treatment options.

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