
Immunohistochemical staining was performed on seven canine and 10 feline soft tissue tumours histologically diagnosed as malignant fibrous histiocytomas ( mfhs) or mfh-like tumours, and eight other histologically specified tumours (non- mfh). This was done to determine if commercially available antibodies that are used routinely in human diagnostic pathology for MFHs would express the same immunohistochemical patterns in canine and feline mfhs and mfh-like tumours. The antibodies were directed against human αl-anti-trypsin ( at), human α1-anti-chymotrypsin ( act), human lysozyme, bovine S-100 protein and human desmin. at did not show any immunoreactivity in the tissues investigated. Except for one mfh, all canine mfhs and other soft tissue tumours with a ‘histiocytic’ character stained for lysozyme and not for S-100. Six out of seven canine mfhs and mfh-like tumours stained positive for desmin as did most non- mfh sarcomas. Most of the canine and feline mfhs and mfh-like tumours were positive for act. These findings for act staining in canine and feline mfhs and mfh-like tumours are in agreement with the findings in human mfhs. The immunobistochemical results of canine mfhs and mfh-like tumours were different from those in cats. Feline mfhs differed from canine mfhs for both lysozyme and desmin staining.

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