
Today it pays to invest in Russia because the Western countries are stagnating, and the Russian economy and the economy recorded further growth. For example, in Japan, which has developed economy, the growth rate of GDP - and is about 1 % per year. Companies operating in the country, will be able to objectively develop fast enough as it is a highly competitive local market. In Russia this year's forecasted GDP growth rate - 3-4 %. That's less than before the economic crisis 2008th years, but much more than in other EU countries. In addition, the Russian market is large and leading companies they did not yet fully won, so it has a lot of room to double-digit GDP growth - and over a number of years. Entry into such a market can bring high profits and to enable the acquisition of new customers. Of course, at the other end of the scale are the problems and risks associated with imperfect state institutions and regulations. Therefore, when entering the Russian market should take care not only about material factors, such as a sufficient number of qualified personnel, transport infrastructure, purchasing power and market needs, but also on the quality of public administration and the business environment in the regions in which it plans to invest. This paper is an attempt to highlight the features of the Russian economy at its potential, regional opportunities, institutional support and tax incentives offered by the Russian economy to business and small business development. Foreign investitors themselves have determined that there is no better country in which to draw from the small business tax of 30-40 percent.

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