
The aims of this study were to assess the prevalence of HIV-1 infection among a group of transvestite prostitutes in Rio de Janeiro and to identify HIV-related risk behaviors to develop targeted intervention strategies. A total of 46 transvestite sex workers were recruited and assessed regarding drug use and sexual risk behaviors. Sixty-three percent tested positive for antibody to HIV-I. Injection drug use was the only factor statistically related to HIV seropositivity. However, sexual risk behaviors, including unprotected anal sex and sex for drug exchanges, were reported by a substantial part of the sample. In addition, given that they engage in both receptive and insertive anal sex with a primarily heterosexual male clientele, they may be playing a role in the heterosexual spread of HIV/AIDS in Brazil. The results of this study suggest that transvestite sex workers are at uniquely high risk for HIV infection and that intervention efforts for this population must be equally unique.

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