
We studied the morphology of the male reproductive system and spermatophore formation in Astacus leptodactylus. The testis has two anterior lobules and only one posterior lobule, which lie dorsal to the gut on the large hepatopancreas. Collecting tubule cells comprise a simple cuboidal epithelium with synthetic activity. Vasa deferentia are laterally connected with the testis and have three parts: proximal vas deferens (PVD), middle vas deferens (MVD) and distal vas deferens (DVD). While the PVD is off-white in color similar to the testis and has no convolutions, the MVD is intensely white in color and convoluted. On the other hand, the DVD is the widest of all and an intensely white structure. The spermatophore, which is non-pedunculate and tubular, extrudes an uninterrupted column and consists of a sperm mass covered with primary and secondary layers. The primary layer is stained with bromephenol blue, while secondary layer gives positive reaction with Alcian blue and aldehyde fuchsin. The histochemical results indicate that the functions of layers are different.

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