
According to the census of India, “A person aged seven and above, who can both read and write with understanding in any language, is treated as literate- a person who can only read but cannot write, is not literate.” A person must be literate before he becomes educated. A higher level of education provides dynamism to society and helps in social upliftment. Literacy is a crucial indicator of socio-economic development and plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of individuals and communities. Education is one of the greatest needs of our time as it brings improvement in the quality of life and plays a pivotal role in social reconstruction. Literacy is the first indispensable step for achieving sustainable development in any area. Being an important indicator of the Human Development Index, the literacy condition of any nation has always been a critical issue to be prioritized. India, like other developing countries, is always characterized by its low level of literacy and greater disparity among the huge masses of Indian people. In this paper attempt has been made to focus on the Deoghar district, we seek to identify disparities in literacy levels, understand the factors contributing to these differences, and propose recommendations for fostering educational equity. The present study aims to highlight the level of literacy among males-females of Deoghar District by using the census data of 1991,2001 & 2011.

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