
Mating and the transfer of seminal fluid components including male accessory glands (MAGs) proteins can affect oviposition behavior in insects. After oviposition, some species of fruit flies deposit a host-marking pheromone (HMP) on the fruit that discourages oviposition by other females of the same or different species or genus and reduces competition between larvae. However, we know very little about how mating, receiving seminal fluid, or male condition can affect female host marking behavior. Here, we tested how the physiological state of females (mated or unmated), the receipt of seminal fluid, and the condition of the male (wild or sterile) affect oviposition and host-marking behavior (HMB) in Anastrepha ludens (Diptera: Tephritidae). We also determined the efficiency of the host-marking pheromone from mated or unmated females in deterring oviposition. In a further examination of how seminal fluid may be affecting HMB we assessed if there were differences in the size of wild or sterile MAGs and the protein quantity transferred during mating. Our results indicate that receiving seminal fluid increased egg laying and increased time invested in host-marking (HM). Unmated females laid fewer eggs than mated females but invested the same amount of time in depositing host-marking pheromone, which had similar effectiveness in deterring oviposition as that of mated females. Females that mated with sterile males laid the same number of eggs as females that mated with wild males but spent less time depositing host-marking pheromone, which suggests that females detect the condition of the male and invest less in marking hosts. Finally, sterile males had larger accessory glands and transferred more MAGs proteins during mating compared to wild males. Seminal proteins could be manipulating HM behavior and female investment into their current reproductive effort. We are only beginning to understand how male condition and seminal fluid can affect female physiology and maternal investment in HMP.

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