
Male breast cancer is a rare disease (about 1% of breast cancers) with a poor prognosis. The diagnosis is most often late and lesions are treated in advanced stages. The aim of this study was to analyze the clinical, histological, therapeutic and prognostic characteristics of male breast cancer. This was a retrospective study of 05 patients collected in the thoracic surgery department of the Marrakech military hospital. The average age of our patients was 66.2 years. The average consultation time was 11.8 months, and self-care of a breast nodule was the main reason for consultation in 60% of cases. Invasive ductal carcinoma was the predominant histological type in 66.7% of cases. Multimodal therapeutic management consisted of mastectomy followed by adjuvant treatment with chemotherapy, radiotherapy and/or hormone therapy depending on the stage of the tumor and histological characteristics. The hormone dependence of these tumors is proven in 60% of cases. Five-year survival is currently being evaluated. Node invasion, invasion of the dermis and the TNM, clinical stage are factors that significantly influence the occurrence of metastases. None of these risk factors were found to be significant in terms of overall survival.

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