
Acoustic communication plays a vital role in frog reproduction. In most anuran species, long-distance sound communication is one-way from males to females; during the reproductive season, males produce species-specific advertisement calls to attract gravid females, and females are generally silent but perform phonotactic movements that lead to amplexus. One exception is the concave-eared torrent frog (Odorrana tormota). In this species, females produce courtship calls that elicit antiphonal vocalizations by males, followed by precise phonotactic movements. The large odorous frog O. graminea (previously Odorrana livida) in southern China is subject to the same environmental constraints as O. tormota, with which it is sympatric; it is unclear whether their sound communication is one-way or bidirectional. Here, we provide the first data on female O. graminea vocalizations and their functions. Using playbacks of female calls, we conducted acoustic behavioral experiments in the laboratory in response to which males emitted single- or multi-note antiphonal calls with a varying fundamental frequency. Moreover, they were attracted to female call playbacks, exhibiting precise phonotaxis. The female courtship call-male response interaction thus forms a duet between partners of a receptive pair. These results demonstrate that this unique communication system likely reflects an adaptation to an environment in which short-distance communication is at a premium given the high levels of ambient noise.

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